Saturday, December 30, 2006


BARRY MADNESS continues in San Francisco!
This time it is Barry Zito Not Barry Bonds. Barry, meet Barry. It's madness out there on the left coast, I tell you; madness!
Barry Zito gets $126 million semolians! He joins only two other pitchers in the elite +$100 million moneyball. Who are they, you ask? Mike Hampton & Kevin Brown , Not exactly great company, eh? Both Mike & Kevin are laughing all the way to the bank but no matter how much moolah they have, it wo
n't buy them entrance into the Big House in Cooperstown. I feel the same will happen to Mr Zito. I just hope the Yankees don't get him a few years from now..Ala Kevin Brown...ugh. Big time Kudos to Scott Boras, who is the greatest agent period.; No Doubt. He will get the most possible money for his clients. Good for him & good for the players........but
I would just once like to hear from one players mouth :
" I signed with them because they offered the most money"
Jeez, ARod is looking more & more like a bargain!
Let us see what the baseball gods will bring us in 2007!
Opening Day April 1, 2007!....bbooooyaaa

You don't think I can watch the NY Football Giants tonight do ya?




Denier said...

Well, lookie here. I like the look of it, bro, but why keep it a secret? I always knew you had the talent, I remember the short stories you used to write back in the day, leaning toward sci-fi if I remember correctly. I just stumbled on it a minute ago and didn't get a chance to get into it all yet. Very cool!

Denier said...

another thing: yes it looks like the Giants will be going down this weekend. I'm gonna give you a call during the weekend and you can illuminate me on how to leave links because I haven't been able to figure out the new blogger format, my fellow blogger you!!